
Conversion Calculator

Convert MPa to psi

FORMULA: MPa x 145.0377
Simply enter your MPa value in the box then click on Convert

For psi to MPa go here >>
Megapascal (MPa) To psi (Pound force per square inch) Conversion

So you want to know how many megapascals in a psi ?

Megapascal (MPa) is a metric pressure unit and equals to 1 000 000 force of newton per square meter which is know as a Pascal. 1 MPa equals to 10 Bar. Because of its high pressure ratings is often used in hydraulic and simular systems.

  • Use if you want to Convert pound/square inch to megapascal
  • Use if you are between two points.
  • Or Use for absolute pressure, if measuring psia

Convert psi to MPa

FORMULA: psi / 145.0377
Simply enter your psi value in the box then click on Convert

Psi (Pound force per square inch) To Megapascal (MPa) Conversion

Or do you actually want to findout How many Pound force per square inch in a MPa?

Psi is defined as 1 pound of force applied per square inch. It is the most commanly used pressure unit with in united states and used in numerous applications like used for gas pressures.
1 pound per square inch (psi) equals to 6 894.75729 pascals.

For a stand alone tool to Convert psi to MPa go here

  • Use if you want to Convert megapascal to pound/square inch to.
  • Use if you are between two points.
  • Or Use for absolute pressure, if measuring psia

Convert MPa to ksi

FORMULA: MPa x .1450377
Simply enter your MPa value in the box then click on Convert

Megapascal (MPa) To ksi (Kilopound per square inch) Conversion

Convert MPa to ksi now has it's own page!

I don't care out psi I wanna know MPa to kilopound per square inch?

Well simply put a kilopound per square inch is just a scaled unit that is derived from psi, 1 ksi is equivalent to a thousand psi.
Used in materials testing, where the tensile strength of a material is measured very high psi. For example A36 steel as a Ultimate strength of 58,000 psi

  • Use if you want to Convert kilo pound/square inch to megapascal.
  • Use if you are between two points.
  • Or Use for absolute pressure, if measuring psia

Convert ksi to MPa

FORMULA: ksi / .1450377
Simply enter your ksi value in the box then click on Convert

ksi (Kilopound per square inch) To Megapascal (MPa) Conversion

Convert ksi to MPa now has it's own page!

Finally, the less popular conversion, how to change ksi to Megapascal!

megapascals (MPa = N/mm2) are agin for those big items, we are not talking blood pressure here it's more used measure stiffness or tensile strength of Metal beams for structures. That is because 1 megapascal (1 MPa ≡ 1,000,000 Pa)
An everyday pascal (Pa) is named after the Famous French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal. A pascal is a measure of force per unit area, defined as one newton per square meter.
FYI, Monsieur Pascal aslo has a programming languge named after him lucky fellow!

  • Use if you want to Convert Kilopound/square inch to megapascal
  • Use if you are between two points.
  • Or Use for absolute pressure, if measuring psia


Comman Conversion Requests

Below are some of the most comman conversion requests

MPa to psi

Conversions for MPa to psi values
  • 1 MPa to psi = 145.0377
  • 30 MPa to psi= 4351.131
  • 250 mpa to psi = 36259.425
  • 50 mpa to psi = 7251.885
  • 5 mpa to psi = 725.1885
  • 40 MPa to psi = 5801.508
  • 35 mpa to psi = 5076.3195
  • 50 mpa to psi = 7251.885
  • 400 mpa to psi = 58015.08
  • 25 mpa to psi = 3625.9425
  • 21 mpa to psi = 3045.7917
  • 0.1 mpa to psi = 14.503770000000001
  • 0.8 mpa to psi = 116.03016000000001
  • 7 mpa to psi = 1015.2639
  • 10 mpa to psi = 1450.377
  • 7 mpa to psi = 2900.754
  • 2 mpa to psi = 290.0754
  • 15 mpa to psi = 2175.5655
  • 0.5 mpa to psi = 72.51885
  • 0.7 mpa to psi = 101.52638999999999
  • 0.8 mpa to psi = 116.03016000000001
  • 100 mpa to psi = 14503.77
  • 200 mpa to psi = 29007.54
  • 14 mpa to psi = 2030.5278
  • 8 mpa to psi = 1160.3016
  • 0.2 mpa to psi = 29.007540000000002
  • 0.4 mpa to psi = 58.015080000000005
  • 0.7 mpa to psi = 101.52638999999999
  • 1.6 mpa to psi= 232.06032000000002
  • 1000 mpa to psi = 145037.7
  • 150 mpa to psi= 21755.655

psi to MPa

Conversions for psi to MPa values
  • 1 psi to mpa = 0.006894759086775369
  • 3000 psi to mpa= 20.68427726032611
  • 4000 psi to mpa = 27.57903634710148
  • 6000 psi to mpa= 41.36855452065222

MPa to ksi

Conversions for MPa to ksi values
  • 1 mpa to ksi = 0.1450377
  • 300 mpa to ksi= 43.511309999999995
  • 250 mpa to ksi = 36.259425
  • 700 mpa to ksi= 101.52638999999999

ksi to MPa

Conversions for ksi to MPa values
  • 1 ksi to mpa = 6.89475908677537
  • 50 ksi to mpa= 344.7379543387685
  • 60 ksi to mpa = 413.6855452065222
  • 36 ksi to mpa= 248.21132712391332
  • 70 ksi to mpa = 482.6331360742759
  • 80 ksi to mpa= 551.5807269420296
  • 32 ksi to mpa = 220.63229077681183
  • 20 ksi to mpa= 137.8951817355074


Learn about Mpa, psi, kPa and ksi

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